Impact of Community on Mental Health

May 16, 2022

What is Community?

Human beings are wired to interact with others, build relationships and tackle life as a team. Interpersonal relationships and community involvement positively impact mental and emotional wellness.

Community can be defined as the way in which we connect with others. Connecting with others is valuable to both those suffering from mental illness and those who are not.

Getting involved in a community allows members to feel encouraged and supported. Filling a specific communal role helps to limit loneliness and increase feelings of belonging and purpose in life. 

Community not only positively impacts mental health but improves overall quality of life. Interacting both online and face-to-face strengthens self-worth and establishes a more positive life experience. 

How to Find Community

Communities are often formed because of shared interests and common ground among individuals. This could include a stage of life, hobby, belief, shared location or similar background. Engaging with others in these environments adds value to ordinary, everyday life.

If you are struggling to get involved in a community group, think about the hobbies and activities that you enjoy. Joining a group with your same interests is a great way to begin making connections. 

Prairie View strongly believes in the importance of community. If you feel lonely and in need of a sense of community, Prairie View would love to help you make connections. Call (800) 992-6292 to learn about support groups and communities that you could be a part of today.