
Your Generosity Leads to Healing

You can help in many ways. Estate gifts create a legacy of hope for years to come. Annual and monthly giving help us provide for the ongoing needs of those we serve. Volunteering shows our patients that there are many who care about their success.

Your generosity will help thousands of people find new hope and happiness. It’s easy to become a monthly contributor. Options include cash, writing a check, giving by credit card and automatic electronic transfer.

You can make a difference! Donate now.

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Donate Now

Donate by Mail green-arrow

Checks and money orders can be mailed directly to our office:
Prairie View Advancement Office
1901 E First St., P.O. Box 467
Newton, KS 67114

Donate by Phone green-arrow

Call Ashleigh Hollis-Davis, Director of Fundraising and Community Events, at 316-284-6379 and your credit card donation can be accepted over the phone.

There Are Many Way to Give

Gifts of Cash

Monthly, weekly and annual gifts of cash can be given through check, credit card, electronic bank transfer and payroll deduction.

Memorial Gifts

Families frequently choose Prairie View to receive memorial gifts to honor loved ones.

Gifts of Commodities

You can give grain, livestock, etc. Not only does Prairie View benefit, but you can deduct the cost of production, and you may qualify for other tax benefits as well.

Gifts of Securities

Turn investments into cash without losing a large portion of the gains to taxes by donating all or a portion of the investment to charity.

Gifts of Personal Property

Farm machinery, cars, furniture, etc. are examples of in-kind gifts.

Gifts of Real Estate

Property may be farmland, land being developed for commercial purposes, bare lots in a city or town, a downtown building, or a small acreage with or without buildings. When you give appreciated property, you can avoid paying income tax on the capital gain.

Gifts of Time

Become a Prairie View volunteer. There are many ways to support our mission and many hands needed each day.

Planned Giving Creates a Legacy of Hope

Estate Planning

Through carefully planned bequests, you are able to provide a measure of support to continue beyond your lifetime. If you’d like more information about making a charitable request, please contact Ashleigh Hollis-Davis, Director of Fundraising & Community Events, at 316-284-6379.

Gift Annuities

A gift annuity is the most popular of charitable gift plan. In return for your gift of cash or marketable securities, Prairie View (through Everence) agrees to pay you and/or another beneficiary fixed annuity payments.

Life Insurance

Life insurance policies no longer needed for family protection may be used to help Prairie View by making us the irrevocable beneficiary. It is also possible to use life insurance benefiting your heirs to “replace” charitable gifts you make in your estate. “New” policies are also acceptable.


There are a wide variety of trusts, including charitable remainder and revocable, which may enable you to realize your own objectives now and to help answer Prairie View’s need at a later date.

Professional Advice

As with all forms of planned giving, professional advice is essential. Prairie View will be pleased to work with you or with you and your advisors in developing a plan tailored specifically to your requirements and desires.

Need More Info?

If you wish to receive more information in person on any of the options above, please contact our office at 316-284-6385, email us or write to us at:

Prairie View Development Office
1901 E. First St., PO Box 467
Newton, KS 67114

Thank you for your generosity.

Prairie View is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Needs Wish List

There are many ways you can help us provide innovative and compassionate care to patients of all ages. Donations from the needs wish list below can be delivered to the Office of Advancement, Prairie View Inc. at 1901 E. First St. Newton, KS 67114 or make arrangements for pickup by calling 800-992-6292.

Recreation Wish List

  • Adventure Course - $75
    Small Harness
  • New Golf Cart - $3,000
    Our golf cart is heavily utilized at our adventure course getting supplies back and forth.
  • Billiard Equipment - $200
    Pool cues, re-surfacing of pool tables
  • Pickle Ball - $200
    Net and racket set
  • Membership subscription to Challenge Quest - $1,200
    Adventure Course training and education company
  • Quality Equipment - $200
    Basketballs, Soccer Balls, Volleyballs
  • Indoor Climbing Wall - $500
  • Musical Equipment - $380
  • Remo 10 inch Tubano drum - $130
  • Remo 12 inch Tubano drum - $130
  • 12 Fruit Shakers  - $120

Technology Wish List

  • Accessible on-demand door locking capability for Clinical Services Building - $1,200
  • Connect panic buttons in Clinical Services Building - $1,000
  • Accessible on-demand door locking capability for Crisis/Admissions area - $1,200
  • Installation of panic button at Marion County Office - $1,200

Other Needs

  • Landscaping – Any amount acceptable
  • Sensory blankets for in-patient areas for patients with sensory disorders - $120 each (would like 6)
  • 50 Amp outlet for Gymnasium - $1,000

Prairie View will purchase the equipment to make sure it meets the appropriate need and specifications.

For information on how to give, contact Ashleigh Hollis-Davis, Director of Fundraising & Community Events, at 316-284-6379.