Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy
NeuroStar TMS Therapy is an FDA-cleared, non-invasive, non-drug outpatient treatment option for those adults with major depressive disorder. If you have tried other depression treatments and felt they didn’t help you achieve the results you wanted, TMS may be an option to consider.
NeuroStar TMS Therapy is exclusively available in our East Wichita office. During daily therapy sessions lasting 20 to 30 minutes, you are wide-awake in a comfortable chair similar to your dentist’s office. A small curved device, about the size of a cupped hand, rests over the left prefrontal cortex, delivering focused magnetic stimulation directly to the area of the brain thought to be involved with regulating mood. The magnetic field pulses of NeuroStar TMS Therapy are the same strength as those used in MRI machines.
Over a typical 4-6 week treatment period, in a randomized, controlled trial, patients treated with active NeuroStar TMS Therapy experienced an average reduction in their depression symptoms of 22.1 percent compared to a 9 percent average reduction of depression symptoms in patients receiving inactive treatment.
NeuroStar TMS Therapy is available by prescription only and may not be right for everyone. For full prescribing and safety information, visit